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CPD Refund Policy

A 100 percent refund is given if a withdrawal request is received before the class begins. No refund is given after the class begins.

Courses that are linked with academic courses will adhere to the stated CPD refund policy.

Withdrawal requests must come directly from the student or his/her designee. A Withdrawal/Transfer Request form will be completed by the person making the request (if the request is by telephone, the CPD registration staff will complete the form to include all pertinent information). The official receipt date is the day and time the request is received in the CPD office. All refunds are paid by check to the student regardless of the method or source of original registration payment. Please allow three to four weeks for the refund check to be processed and mailed to the address given at the time of registration. If there has been an address change, please provide the corrected address with your withdrawal request.


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